Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reaching out through podcasts

Podcasting peaks my interest. The multi-tasking mindset lends itself to them. I listen to the WSJ podcast while I'm working on something else. I hope the information is seeping into my subconscious, because I find I'm often not paying attention. Subliminal messages finding their way into my knowledge bank while I'm putting a Web page together. One day I may find that instead of handling the topic at hand, my Web page contains typewritten copy from the podcast I've been listening too.
"Faculty team discovers cure for cancer. And the online Wall Street Journal Web site is now subscription free!"


The university connection with the community fires my imagination. Shouldn't a university be a resource for the community. A place where we can go to find comments and thoughtful reflection on social, economic, and environmental issues. Where can you get details or explanations on the meaning of life? (which is 42--see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for more information.) Is it coincidental that universe is in the word "university?" Though getting bodies in the chairs is essential to the survival of the institution, can we also be a resource and refuge for people who are interested in learning, growing and chewing on more than just the "spoon-feed me now" pablum we're accustomed to?

Could the use of podcasts open the door to the local community who may not have the time to come to lectures and panel discussions but might want to have a brief synopsis or some points to reflect on regarding issues that affect everyone?

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