Thursday, September 13, 2007

The wild, wild west

When desktop publishing first made its appearance, people went crazy with the different typefaces, sizes and characteristics and how all of them could be used in one piece. Wasn't it better to communicate with big type, small type, several fonts, underline, bold and italic mis-mashed on the same page? It took awhile for the dust to settle and for general guidelines to reach the Lone User and now most of the Wild West has been settled—-at least in the professional field.

Video, podcasts and blogs. Where do these things really fit in. Because they are available should they be used with abandon? Taking time--time we often do not have--to determine the best use of these options seems hopeless as we rush to create the next multi-media Web page. The stampede is on and I can't help but imagine myself accidentally leaping off the not-yet-noticed cliff. But planning these videos and blogs takes time and if I don't start now, I might be crushed under the competition.

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