Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Faculty glimpse

Last night I put together some Q and A pages on faculty members. The original idea was "short and sweet"-quick somewhat personal glimpse into the real lives of faculty members. I had three in the hopper. Two of which really are short and sweet and one longer version where a professor spent a good deal of time responding to questions. I have a feeling that the longer one will be the one that gets the most interest because it has more words and "looks" better but in my web mind, it's the short, quick Q and As that are more fast and fun. The shorter ones are more like what I imagine I'd have the time to look at. Quick questions, quick answers, in and out, know a bit more than I did, finished. The longer version, just says too much. I have to read to find answers. Again the dichotomy between what I'd like to think my reader is interested in and how much time she has to devote to the page and the truth that my reader has about 10 seconds before having to move on.

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