Monday, October 29, 2007

Juggling skills required

Much time is spent trying to juggle schedules and rooms and equipment for audio recordings I'm hoping to post online. The cart definitely is before the horse in this process, because I know what I want the end product to be but getting the pieces together has me running for the Nice 'n Easy box.

Several hours last week were spent coordinating a professor, a student, a room, a facilities work order and procuring a digital recorder from a neighboring department for a photo gallery/slide show project. The house of cards came tumbling down when my professor needed to reschedule. I've been able to get the student, the professor, the room and the facilities work order but I don't have a digital recorder because the one I was going to use is not available.

Our photographer is planning on ordering a digital recorder for our office but I don't know if it will be here by Friday. Borrowing a recorder from the communications department may be possible but I understand through the grapevine that this is similar to infiltrating Fort Knox.

Other universities must also be feeling this frustration as we scramble to pull together interesting things for the Web with limited resources.

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